Sunday, November 29, 2015

巫启贤, 黃譓赬 - 邂逅


Key: Bb

Capo 3 – Play G


Intro: lG   lBm7 lC      lD7   l

        lG   lBm7 lC D7 lG     l


   G                 Bm7           C            D7

入暮的山途獨有我彳亍 落紅鏗 然顯凄清

   C            G            Am7         D7

低吟起那 幽陰的歌 歌聲抖出了蕭索

    G                Bm7               C   A7   Dsus4 D

歌韻隱隱飄蕩入我波心 牽引我山游覓覓尋

   C     D    G    G/B Am7 D7   G

邂逅你炯瑩的星眸 顫動我 翩翩入夢


  C    D7          G   Em   Am7             D7

* 恆古雋永美麗的神話 莫非已降臨此剎那

       G          Bm7 Em   Am7  D7   G

默望長空我深深 祈禱 愿剎那化永恆典雅


Olivia Ong - 梦想起飞


Key: A

Capo 2 – Play G


Gadd9                  G/F  

卸下犹豫决定 天空也跟着放晴

C     G/B Am7 D    G   C/E D/F#

我的世界 才 刚刚要苏醒

Gadd9                 G/F


C  G/B Am7 D    G

赴自己 最初 的约定


                Cm7               G/B

~ 心就要起飞 去展开 新一季的梦

             Eb            Dsus4 D



  Gadd9     Gsus4    Em        G/B

* 迎著风 我全意去追 不留一点空隙畏怯

Am7      G/B         C    G/B Am7 D

愿那人海中只聆听 心中最清澈  的声音

Gadd9     Gsus4    Em        G/B

穿梭在 陌生的国界 孤单困惑时

          C G/B     Am7 D       Gadd9 D

闪耀的眼泪 它是在 提醒我是谁


Gadd9                 G/F

故事渐渐透明 梦一点一点成形

C       G/B Am7    D  G    C D

为你在心   中 留一幅 风景

Gadd9                 G/F

无法预见未来 也不想辜负现在

C G/B Am7 D     G

不想全由 命运 安排


              Cm7              G/B

准备好 起飞 去找寻下一句的歌

            Eb              Dsus4 D

岁月的晴空 我谱写彩虹


Gadd9     Gsus4    Em        G/B

迎著风 我任性去追 不留一点余地后退

Am7      G/B         C    G/B Am7 D

拥挤人海中我跟随 心中最纯真的 信念

Gadd9     Gsus4    Em        G/B

穿梭在 陌生的国界 孤单困惑时

          C G/B Am7 D        Gadd9

闪烁的眼泪 它在提醒 我是谁


Gadd9    Gsus4       Em        G/B

迎著风 我任性去追  一个梦 它名是无悔

Am7      G/B         C    G/B Am7 D

如果见我身影疲累 请让我再 坚持一会儿

Gadd9     Gsus4    Em        G/B

穿梭在 陌生的国界 孤单困惑时

          C G/B        Am7 D    Gadd9

闪耀的眼泪 我是在确定 我是谁

C G/B     Am7 D   Gadd9

眼泪 它在提醒我是谁

C G/B        Am7 D   Gadd9

起飞 我是在确定我是谁


汤薇恩 - 静静看着你 ("起飞" 插曲)


Key: Eb

Capo 3 – Play C








             C           C7


             Fmaj7    G/F


             Em        Am7


             Dm7      Fm


             C           Bb C7



  Fmaj7    G/F   Em       Am7

* 静静看着你 隔着远远冷冷的空气

Dm7      F/G   C          A7

静静看着你 挂著轻轻浅浅的笑意

Fmaj7           G    G/F


Em               Am7


Dm7      F/G         C

你手心的温度 是犹豫


Play last * in C#


Dm7      F/G         C

你手心的温度 最美丽


Thursday, November 26, 2015

萧煌奇 - 过我的生活


Key: C#

Capo 1 – Play C

Intro: lFmaj7 lEm    lFmaj7 lEm    l

        lBb/Eb lDm7  lF/G     lFadd9/G l


C                 G/B                   Am7 

不关心我有什么 只在乎我爱什么


用不着的一切 谁来打扫

F                      Em        

幸福就像穿鞋子 不舒服的

Am7   Dm7              Fm     G

都只是脚镣 倒不如去赤脚奔跑

C                 G/B            Am7/G

不担心缺少什么 只知道追求什么


别让我梦想 给世界颠倒

F           G/F     Em        Am7

属于我的那杯茶 要什么味道

      Dm7                   F    C/E  

没最好 要刚好 只能由自己来调


  F  G    C            C/E       Fmaj7

* 我过我要的生活 不是生活过我就好

   C/E Dm7                     Gsus4

只要是我想要的 期待多久都有情调

   G/F  Em                      Am7

不该我吃的 懒得管它是否酸的葡萄

          Dm7       D7      Gsus4 G

对别人爱的甜点 报以微笑

   G/B C            C/E       Fmaj7

我拥有时间 不是时间拥有我的通告

   C/E Dm7                     Gsus4

我做想做的事情 忙碌也是一种逍遥

   G/F Em               Asus4 A7/C# 

投我所好 倘若有希望就有失望

       Dm7   Bb       F/G    G     C (Fmaj7)

享受那些烦恼 感受我想要的 味道


lC   C/E  lFmaj7      l

lC   C/E  lG#maj7 Gl


C                 G/B                  Am7

没什么重不重要 只在乎需不需要


不合适的音乐 别来骚扰

F           G/F      Em       Am7

哪怕外面再热闹 没被感动到

       D7/F#                F    C/E 

我宁可 一个人 无声无息中睡着 *


       Dm7   Bb       F/G     G      C

享受那些烦恼 人生没有烦恼多无聊 *


巫启贤 - 星空下


Key: G


Intro: lG   lG   lC   lG   l

        lD   lC C#lG   lD   l


       G                   G

星空下 星空下 星空下


       G           C           G

星空下 一盏半明不暗的火

          C           D              G


       G           C           G

夜空里 一抹流星划过天际

          C           D              G



          C           G


          C           G


          C              A7             D

让我把过去的不如意 一切都抛弃


       G            C           G              Am7

旧时梦 不必去记 只要把经验藏在心底

          C            D           G

美丽的明天 须要自己去努力


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

阿杜 - 好想告诉你 ("起飞" 主题曲)


词/曲: 梁文福


Key: F#

Capo 6 – Play C


       C            Am7 

那个时候 爱得不够

          C                         Gsus4 G

我才会那么轻易牵起 你的手

   C           Am7           Dm7            

哦~ 亲爱的朋友 我曾经说过要带着你

           Gsus4 Gaug9

飞到 天尽头

   C    Am7      Dm7             Gsus4     C

哦~ 哦~ 到现在谁陪我回到那最初 的邂逅


C7        F       Faug    Em    Am7

* 如果再遇见你 那一年的自己

       Dm7                  G              C

我好想告诉你 在眼里 在梦里 你是唯一

C7          F    E  E/G# Am7  Am7/G

起飞 是道别离 你还在 我心里

          Dm7                                 Gsus4 G

伴着我 飞过山 飞过海 飞过夜飞向 黎明


   C           Am7          Dm7                      Gsus4 G

哦~ 亲爱的朋友 我曾经说过要 世界 跟我歌声走

   C    Am7      Dm7              Gsus4 Cmaj7

哦~ 哦~ 但愿你回到我身边 唱细水 长流


林慧萍 - 说时依旧


Key: G#

Capo 1 – Play G


Intro: lGadd9 lEm    l x4


          Gadd9        Am7

重逢無意中 相對心如麻

          Am7 Am7/G# Am7/G C/D Gadd9

對面問安好                   不提回    頭路

          C    D/C     G/B Am7 C/D D

提起當年事 淚眼笑荒唐


         G                    Am7/G

* 我是真的真的真的愛過你

       Dsus4 D   G

說時依舊      淚如傾

B     B/Eb Em    Em/D

星星白髮  猶少年

C        C/D    Am7 G/B C D

這句話請你放在        心底

       G                       Am7/G


       Dsus4 D  G

不要 不要    跟我來

B        B/Eb Em    Em/D

家中孩兒     等著你

C        C/D     Gadd9

等爸爸回家 把飯開


Thursday, November 12, 2015

巫启贤 - 那一段日子


Key: E

Capo 4 – Play C


C                   F/C

听到DJ 又播出那一首歌

C                            G

一首令我深深 感触的歌

F           Em Am7 Em       Am7

发生在啤酒          周围的故事

Dm7             G Am7 G/B


C                         F/C

昨天又接到 一个问候的电话

C                           G


F                   C/E       Am7

曾经为了我 我失恋的伤痛

Dm7                G



         F              C/E

* 多少次我们夜里漫步

       E          Am7 Am7/G


       F           C/E    G


       F              C/E


       F              C/E


       F          F/G         C

唱着你们写下的 爱情故事


C                            F/C

那年的世界杯 我们还看着电视

C                         G  

为了足球明 星共同欢呼

Fmaj7                 Em          Am7

冬冬和ROCKY 在门边互相追逐

Dm7             G


C                         F/C

你们都喜欢 穿我表演的衣服

C                         G

曾在演唱会里 抱头痛哭

F                      C       G/B Am7

友情对我来说 是另一种财   富

Dm7                G

在心灵上不再孤独 * *


梁咏琪 - 原来爱情这么伤


Key: B > D

Capo 4 – Play G > Bb 


G                     A7

我睁开眼睛 却感觉不到天亮

Am7         Adim G             D/F#

东西吃一半 莫名其妙哭一场

Em                   Asus4    A7

我忍住不想 时间变得更漫长

          G   Em          Am7      D9

别与你有关 否则又开始胡思乱想

   G       G/B         A7

~ 我日月无光 忙得不知所以然

Am7    D9         G             D/F#

找朋友交谈 其实全帮不上忙

Em     Em/D      C 

以为会习惯 有你在才是习惯

       Am7                 Cm7      Fsus4 F

你曾住在我心上 现在空了一个地       方


      Bb     Cm7        Fsus4 F    Bb

* 原来爱情这么伤 比想像   中还难

       Dm7 Eb      Bb/D Cm7     Fsus4 F

泪水总是 不听话 幸福 躲起来不声   不响

   Bb      Cm7        Fsus4 F    Bb

太多道理太牵强 道理    全是一样

       Dm7 Eb    Bb/D Cm7     Fsus4 Bb/D (Gm)

说的时候 很简单   爱上后却阵脚   大乱


lEb  Bb/D lCm7 lD9   l


~ *


      Gm/F# Gm/F  C7/E  Eb

只想变的坚强 强到能够去忘

       Bb/D      Cm7       D7

无所谓悲伤 只要学会抵抗


    G       Am7   F 

原来爱情这么伤 *

   Bb       Cm7       Fsus4 F    Bb

原来爱情是这样 这样峰   回路转

       Dm7 Eb      Bb/D Cm7 C7   Fsus4 F

泪水明明 流不干 瞎了  眼还 要再爱   一趟

   Bb       Cm7      Fsus4 F    Bb

有一天终于打完 思念的   一场战

      Dm7 Eb      Cm7      Fsus4 Gm C7/E

回过头再看一看 原来爱情那   么伤

   Cm7      Fsus4 Bb

下次还会不会   这样


Monday, November 2, 2015

10 Commercial Songs The 90s Kids Would Remember


衣服本来刚刚好 怎么现在扣不上?


If you are a 90s Singaporean kid, I bet you did more than just read the opening line.


And you can probably sing the next line or even the whole song!


And yeah, the tune is gonna stick for a while.


Like the darn Triple Dent Gum jingle that plague Riley's mind in the movie Inside Out, the Scott's emulsion jingle is right there on the playlist of your Forgetters who are plotting to plonk it into your control room.



Hence, at the request of you Forgetters, here are 10 songs/ jingles that stick from the good o' commercials.


01 | Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil


衣服本来刚刚好,怎么现在扣不上 (为什么?)

桌子椅子那么小,小房门也钻不了 (味道好)

成长成长,我已成长 (比比看 谁比谁高)

司各脱鳘 鱼肝油 陪伴我一起成长 (我喜欢啊)


If you find the lyrics slightly different from what you remember, you are probably right too! ‘cos there is at least one different version that I can recall: ~小小玩具真好笑 骑单车你太过小~


And yes, there’s the English version too! ~Growing up, growing up, I’m growing up~



02 | Fernleaf Milk Powder


If you tune in to Malaysia TV1 at 5.30 pm for the cartoons, you would have probably heard this heartrending tribute to mothers: ~Ibu ibu~



03 | Nespray Milk Powder


Not to be outdone by it’s milk powder competitor, the Nespray commercial also has a song with a simple melody that sticks.


Sadly I can find this commercial on the Internet but the lyrics goes something along the lines of: ~你是我的好宝贝 你是我的心安慰~



04 | Royal Umbrella Rice - 担心


Hands up if the commercial makes you want to want to savour plain rice. 多吃多吃.



05 | UIC


UIC Oh~ UIC 清洁环抱真开心 UIC!



06 | Baygon – Stand By Me


The video I managed to find is not exactly the one that I remember. But the theme of sleeping soundly through the night by keeping away the mozzies is the same.



07 | Fujifilm - What A Wonderful World


My first encounter of the the beauty of nature and animals long before there was National Geographic. I thought the 6/8 rhythm really accentuates the carefree spirit of Mother Nature.



08 | Prudential – Life Story


Not a big fan of Prudential but I am say the marketing department hit the right chord with this advertisement with Dick Lee’s Life Story.


Car pulls up to a old dilapidated house; driver enters the house and finds an old chatek; memories start to flood back.


This is my life story, minute by second, a story

That goes on forever, with each breath, that I take


How is the plot related to insurance? I have no idea but I bet that commercial is stored as a long term memory for many of you.


09 | Australia Tourism Board – I Can Sing A Rainbow


Red and yellow and pink and green

Purple and orange and blue



10 | TDK Karaoke System


Anything you can sing I can sing better

I can sing anything better than you

No you can’t. Yes I can. YES WE CAN..


Yes, before London Choco Roll pulled the stunt of having karaoke style captions to their annoyingly memorable jingle, Karaoke system brand TDK had a commercial where a man and a lady competed to a duet accompanied by the lyrics flashing on the screen.


So how many commercials can you recall?

Brian McKnight - One Last Cry


Key: F#

Capo 6 – Play C


C                  Dm7                      C/E

My shattered dreams and broken heart

      G7/F      G7      Am7

Are mending on the shelf

         Dm7           C/E

I saw you holding hands

              G7/F     G7          C

Standing close to someone else

         Dm7    C/E              

Now I sit all alone

             Bm7b5 E                 Am7

Wishing all my   feelings was gone


I gave my best to you

                 F/G       G7

Nothing for me to do


                G/B       C                Am7

* But have one last cry One last cry

            G/F             C/E

Before I leave it all behind

          F#m7    B7          Em7

I gotta put you out of my mind

E/G# Am7                   D7/F#

this   time Stop living a lie

  Dm7        F/G                  C

I guess I'm down to my last cry


C      Dm7               C/E

I was here You were there

                G7/F G7      Am7

Guess we never could agree

               Dm7              C/E

While the sun shines on you

                   G7/F   G7       C

I need some love to rain on me

        Dm7    C/E

Still I sit all alone

             Bm7b5 E                 Am7

Wishing all my   feelings was gone


Gotta get over you

                 F/G      G7

Nothing for me to do *


  Dm7                Em7 

I know I gotta be strong

          Fm                       Gm

Cause round me life goes on

           G#              F#/G#

and on And on And on


Key: G

Capo 7 – Play C



I’m gonna dry my eyes

                F/G       G7

right after I have my

             C                Am7

One last cry one last cry

            G/F          C/E

Before I leave it all behind

          G/F                     C/E

I gotta put you out of my mind

                        Am7                    D7/F#

For the very last time Been living a lie

  Dm7        F/G      Em7        A7

I guess I'm down, I guess I'm down

  Dm7        F/G                   C

I guess I'm down To my last cry


洪劭轩 - 心宇寂星


Key: C#

Capo 1 – Play C


Intro: lC     lG/B     lF     lC  l

        lAm7 lAm7/G lF G lC   lC   l


       C        G/B        Am7      Am7/G 

我的心怀着破碎 一次一次未曾枯萎

   F              C/E         Dm7          G

现实生活负累太多 太多负累又使我心碎

       C           G/B        Am7         Am7/G

奔向天宇超越时空 环视人间光明的一面

       F              C/E         Dm7 G     C

总有一天真理会重现 是我成功  的那一天


   C             G/B         F              C

* 抹去心头的阴影 重整曾经破碎的心灵

Am7          Am7/G    F              G

过去茫然与迷惑 塑造今日较冷静的我

C              G/B         F              C

银河星星在旋转 象征你我命运的换转

Am7          Am7/G    F        G    C

唯有我星星握在手里 转出一个胜利


Sunday, November 1, 2015

林俊杰 - Endless Road


Key: D

Capo 2 – Play C


Intro: lC   lG/B lAm7   lFm  l

        lC   lG/B lFmaj7 lG    l


C               G/B               Am7 

The truth is tearing up my heart

Am7/G F     G           Am7

I can't  recognise this place

                   G/B               Fmaj7

The endless road without a stop sign

         Dm7                            Gsus4 G

Can't even find a stranger this time


                Fmaj7                       G/F

* Why am I still holding back my tears

          Em                                      Am7  Am7/G

In this loneliness there's nothing left to fear


Every chord still seems a wonder


How we could be together

F                        Gsus4                G

Everytime I ask if this would be the last

             Fmaj7                  G  G/F

Why am I still talking to myself

           Em                               Am7    Am7/G

Hoping you will have the keys to my cell


Every song might calm the weather


But it just draws me deeper

F                                Gsus4 G         C

How do I get out of this I think~ I never will


C            G/B               Am7

A crystal forming in the eye

Am7/G F             G        Am7

Maybe this would be the last

                  G/B               Fmaj7 C/E

The winding path down my face

     Dm7                     Bb                    G

Till I begin to taste the bitterness inside *